Beyond the Bars Family Fun Day

Dr. Dorothy Bendross Mindingall Social-Economic Institute 5120 NW 24th Ave, Miami, FL, United States

Join us for a fun day of family activities and community services at the 1st Beyond the Bars Family Fun Day on July 17th, 2021.

Overtown Legal Clinic

Black Police Precinct and Courthouse Museum 480 NW 11th Ave, Miami, FL, United States

FLJC brings free legal and social services to the Overtown, Miami community. Meet with a lawyer to help with any issues you may have.

The Papa Keith Show on 103.5 The Beat

Listen in as FLJC Vice-Chair Melba Pearson and Director Jonathan Bleiweiss join Papa Keith on his radio show on 103.5 The Beat.

Miami Gardens Community Legal Clinic & Resource Fair

Betty T. Ferguson Recreational Complex 3000 NW 199th St, Miami Gardens, Florida, United States

A DJ, food trucks, and a wide variety of community providers join FLJC in Miami Gardens to provide free legal and social services.


Skate Night Fundraiser!

Galaxy Skateway 3737 N Davie Rd Ext, Davie, Florida, United States

Join us on Friday, September 17 for a fun night of roller skating that benefits a great charity! Admission is ONLY $15 including rental.